The Keys to the Perfect Southern Vegetable Garden

            The art of growing your own food has been something that people have done for many years. Whether to consume or sell, vegetable gardens have always been a staple in society. With Spring official starting this week, we at Vivid Earth Land Designs want to introduce the concept of growing your own vegetable garden. It may not be something that you’ve thought about or considered before in the past, so let’s go over some key details that encompasses vegetable gardening.

The Simplicity of Vegetable Gardening

            Growing your own vegetables can be very easy if you want it to be. All you need are a few key components in place. Knowing where you want to plant your vegetables is one of the components. You can plant the seeds in anything from a pot to a container. The classic option of using a patch of land can definitely get the job done. Another component is adequate water, which is a necessity for the growth and overall health of your vegetables. Finally, strong sunlight is a must. With these few components in place, you can start creating a great environment for the growth of your vegetables.

            To be fair, some vegetables are easier to grow than others. What’s great is that some of the more widely enjoyed vegetables are easy to grow such as lettuce, onions, and cucumbers. Other vegetables will require more preparation and planning, and that is where we come in. We can help you plot and plan a more complex garden. We can even till a piece of your yard so you can start a nice size vegetable garden that you can call your own. Contact us if you want a garden of your own and want a stress free process.

Nutrient-Rich Harvest

            Without a doubt, one of the great perks of having your own garden is the quality of food that you are harvesting, especially when you use certain soil types that tend to perform well such as loam soil. You will grow fresher, more healthy vegetables in comparison to what you would purchase at the store. Lately, more and more Americans are becoming more aware of the questionable practices that goes into growing the vegetables that we eat regularly. If you want to remove that worry of what you’re putting in your body, we recommend creating a garden of your own.

Who Doesn’t Like Saving Money?

             The savings that you receive from growing your own vegetables is certainly worth having a garden of your own. With the cost of groceries being higher than years past, we at Vivid Earth Land Designs would be foolish not to remind you of this perk. Why not permanently remove a cost that can be allocated towards something else? 

Factoring in all of the points that we brought to the table, you should definitely consider finding a place to start a garden for vegetables.  If you have any questions or think you’re ready to dive into getting a vegetable garden started, feel free to contact us here.