All About Sod: Transform Your Outdoor Space In an Instant

There’s a budding phenomenon that’s currently catching steam on social media. It’s called doing an “apartment reset”. This involves taking a look at your living space and rearranging the furniture. What this does is it brings new life into the apartment both mentally and physically. It helps make the owner feel like they’re in a brand-new apartment. In landscape and gardening, there is a method that we recommend that can bring a similar dynamic to your backyard space. This method is the “application or reapplication of sod”. We’d like to break this down to a simple view of what sod actually is and the perks that come with it. This might be something you want to consider if you want to liven things up in your yard this spring and summer.

Sod is essentially rolls of grass that can be laid in a desired area of your yard. It’s a departure from seed grass which takes longer to properly develop. All you have to do is acquire the correct number of rolls and you have grass instantly available! If you get in contact with us, we can provide and lay the sod so you won’t be burdened with the labor that comes with installing it, especially when you’re dealing with multiple pallets of it.

Next, we’d like to highlight a few of the more important positives that comes with sod use.

Ease of Maintenance


One of the biggest perks and one of the main reasons why sod is in big demand is the ease of maintenance. Just like with any plant, there are levels of tending that must be done. Watering is important, especially when the sod is freshly laid into the ground. A quality irrigation system can help with that.

Keeping the grass cut is another element of sod upkeep, and this is a common practice for many people every weekend morning! Lastly, fertilizing is necessary to help keep the sod strong and healthy. You may need some help with this one, but that is where a trusted lawn care company can come in and give you a hand.

All in all, the maintenance side of sod is pretty simple once you have the right understanding and routine.

Aesthetics Over Everything


There aren’t many things that carries such importance in the overall look of a yard like its grass. We’ve seen yards with beautiful plants completely clash with unkempt grass. The look of a lawn that isn’t being properly tended to can paint the homeowner as someone that doesn’t care for the well-being of their property. To that end, sod can really set the tone for how the rest of your yard is perceived.

All in all, something as simple as sod holds a major importance in the landscape and gardening space, both in its distribution and overall use. There are hundreds of houses being built in South Carolina alone that will look even better due to the fresh sod that will be installed. There are also homes that look objectively better due to the removal of old grass. With fresh sod now installed, a new life has been injected into the property!

If you’re interested in installing sod, Vivid Earth Land Designs can help! Simply call us at 864-905-9573 or fill out our contact form to get started.